Opći uvjeti poslovanja

Acceptance of conditions

This website, as well as its subdomains and accompanying printed materials (hereinafter referred to as “the Site”) are owned by Rent Istria - Manag 5 obrt za turističku agenciju, G. Tartinia 5 Umag, Croatia, Tax ID: 32921494212
By using this site, ie any of the services, products or information contained therein, you agree to these terms and conditions of use and other notices herein. If you do not agree with the above, please do not use it.

The accuracy and reliability of the data page
Rent Istria undertakes to take all reasonable measures regarding the provision of accurate and high quality information and does not respond to inaccurate information from business partners regarding their promotional materials. A business partner, i.e. the provider of a particular service on the site, is the owner or an authorized representative of the owner of the advertised object / tourist service and as such has all the necessary documentation for dealing with his / her business. A business partner, ie the provider of a particular service on the site, is required to provide accurate and true information about their services and to guarantee their safety, quality and legality. Any eventual changes are due to promptly inform the owner of the site.

Right of exclusion
If there is no compensation for the service defined under these terms, or if the material you submit is in conflict with the law, and if we estimate that third parties are causing any damage in any way, we reserve the right to remove the site without further explanation and without any obligation to do so. In the event that a site user violates the General Terms and Conditions of Use and in any way damages the site owner or other advertisers, we reserve the right to remove the page without further explanation and without any obligation to the same.

Rule of liability
Rent Istria acts as an intermediary in the accommodation booking between the guest and the homeowner.
Rent Istria is in no way liable for any damage suffered by a guest or a person related to it or in connection with items / objects owned or in possession by the guest (whether the damage is caused in relation to the property or integrity / health of the guest, I regardless of the cause and source of damage).
By using this Site, the user is acquainted with the intermediary role of Rent Istria as well as with the Rule of liability of Rent Istria and waives any right to claim that and such damages against Rent Istria.

Changing these Terms and Conditions of Business
We reserve the right to change these advertising terms and conditions, as well as other terms and conditions without prior notice, in order to increase the quality of “the Site“.
For all information regarding these terms and conditions please contact us by email info@rentistria.com.